Friday 10 July 2009

You Can Keep My Sister

Nick Cassavetes, best known for girl weepy The Notebook, but also made the surprisingly brilliant Alpha Dog, returns to adapting crying books for another delve into making girls cry, I say girls cos in the screen I was in, I was the only one who should at least have a Y chromosome.

Basic plot is Abigail Breslin is a young girl who was created artificially to be able to give up body parts and blood for her sister, who has cancer, happy times, and she wants to be allowed to be in control of her body medically, so hires Alec Baldwin's lawyer. Mother Cameron Diaz shouts and screams at her a lot, and then cries all the time, while her sister numbingly monotones through voice overs, talking and every other scene she is until finally cancer kills her, two hours later than is acceptable.

Add to that the elder brother is a loner, gasp, and father is sitting on the fence, nothing interesting here.

No, the only moments that are any good involve the court case, which also includes the brilliant Joan Cusack as a crying judge who's daughter was run over half a year ago, so knows daughter loss pain, see, get it, she's empathetic.

Speaking of pathetic, a scene near the end, where the family rejoin to go to the beach one last time, is made up of complete weepiness, only the whole film's problem is it's not about here are the characters, this is who they are, it's sad, yeah? No, it's HERE ARE THE CHARACTERS, SHE'S DYING, CRY!
And the audience did, they fucking let go and cried, at some shitty indie music, blurry beach images and a bald girl smiling and cuddling to daddy. Cliche ridden cack and these gals ate it up like it was the best meal in years.

I just don't understand, I connected only to Abigail Breslin's character, who was sweet, fun and interesting, the best part of the film with her struggles, and Diaz was dull, if an English language version of Penelope Cruz's Oscar winning shouting and crying acting talent was given a name, it'd be The Diaz.

Just bad

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