Friday 28 August 2009

You wanna be a comedian? But you're not funny!

Judd Apatow has enjoyed overwhelming success since Anchorman hit the scene, his films have grossed insane amounts for comedies, especially with relatively low budgets on all of them, that is, of course, until this year, Year One was expensive, rubbish and fell flat on it's face, Funny People, his latest directorial film, and another step closer to the mature drama tone that was introduced in Knocked Up, cost $70 million somehow, and dropped in the cinema at number one, but the next weekend was all but gone, and there's a damn good reason for this.

Funny People is a 2 hour 20 minute drama about a complete prick played by Adam Sandler who is famous for bad comedy films and his sole joke throughout the film is about looking at Seth Rogen's penis.

Seth Rogen is a boring nerd who is thinner than ever, living with a successful TV show star, Jason Schwartzmen, and an annoying, competitive prick, Jonah Hill. He wants to make money from his comedy, Sandler wants him to write for him, ipso facto, they work together, then Sandler finds his cancer isn't too bad, then he finds an old flame in Leslie Mann and her hubby Eric Bana, the one good thing this film has, and then he returns to his normal life, not learning anything, not being sympathetic, interesting or anything important for an audience to connect and take interest in.

With an extended run time the pacing is way off, I nearly fell asleep about 5 times, and wouldn't have missed a damn thing, it's all filler with no plot, like deleted scenes or a line-o-rama without any of the jokes.

Now, I love Rogen, Sandler, Schwartzmen, Bana, Apatow, and Hill, who was hysterical when he introduced the film live, but this film is a shambles, it's not dramatic enough to be interesting, the comedy ruins the dramatic moments, and the comedy is rubbish, it's scatalogical humour as always, but it's very much ignorant, awful, stupid comedy, not clever one liners or solid punch lines.

The film is a blow to the Apatow brand like no other, an awful waste of space, and I hope Apatow returns to a solid mix of drama in genuinely funny and WELL PACED!!!!!! films one day.


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