Monday 21 September 2009

When you've been there, you never wanna go again, like France.

Meryl Streep has been on the top of her game since before I was born, and yet again, even in a small chick flick light Sunday afternoon film she scores highly with another marvelous role that practically guarantees another Oscar nod come January. With Julie and Julia Streep plays Julia Child, a very tall middle aged woman in France in the 40's/50's with her husband, played by the ever brilliant Stanley Tucci. Bored all day she takes up cooking lessons and does well, learning French cooking, and helps write a book about it.

As this storyline goes on we are introduced to Julie Powell, played by the wonderful, talented Amy Adams, who works for a 9/11 support project, constantly crying over stories, needs to rise above her station in life after seeing her friends all being successful, starts a blog of cooking all the recipes in Child's cookbook over a year.

So for the year we see her cry, laugh and try, and it's ultimately very boring, there is nothing interesting in this part of the storyline, and as much as I love Amy Adams, and that's a lot, this goes no where very slowly. Thankfully the Julia Child story is fun, light ad highly entertaining, not just because Jane Lynch's appearance as Streep's sister is funny and well done, it's a great story that would have served better solo, I was waiting for Streep to reappear throughout the Julie sequences, and it's a shame because Adams' part would have been great if it wasn't bogged down in rom-com girl power cliches that lead to nothing.

Can't offer much but it's funny, sweet and makes you very hungry, worth checking out.

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