Sunday 7 March 2010

The Weary Blind Side

Sandra Bullock, she's one of them rom com actors who does absolutely nothing except those once in a while attempts at doing a dramatic role.

Unfortunately side by side with The Proposal (meh) and All About Steve (Razzie Winning role) The Blind Side is giving Bullock her Oscar win, so it seems. So, what's it about? A young tall fat black kid who lives on the sofa of a friend gets adopted by a rich white family in the South, he learns education, becomes a great football player, in American football, and makes money. And at no point does it feel like we should care, be interested in or want this to happen.

This is, no bones about it, an appalling film. It tries to be a Lifetime movie, tears and urban moments, and it's dull, it tries to be a sports comedy, complete with comic talking kid who you want to die early on. It never ever succeeds in being anything but a shoddy piece of cinema begging for an Oscar. Sample line of dialogue that GENUINELY APPEARED:
"Wow, so you're changing this boy's life."
"No, he's changing mine."
Oh wow. This is spoof Oscar movie trailer stuff, the kind on youtube taking the piss out of these films.

And since it's set around 2003,2004 it begs the question Why are there flat screen computer monitors in EVERY classroom, and everywhere? Really? It's a few years too early.

The acting is awful, the film is long, boring, unnecessary, it's an all round appalling film only given Oscar nods because it fellates the Academy in such a white guilt way that Precious did better. Avoid avoid avoid.

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